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    Agenda for Summer Meeting

    Quarterly Meeting of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society Saturday, July 19, 2014, 10:30 AM Conference Room A, Doctor’s Building 2, Baptist Health, Paducah KY Agenda 1)     Approval of the minutes of the April 26, 2014 meeting 2)     Secretary’s Report – Marvin Downing 3)     Treasurer’s Report – Marvin Downing 4)     Journal Editor’s Report 5)     Elections – Officers and Directors 6)     Old Business a)     Fall and Winter meeting plans b)     Kentucky History Award nomination 7)     New Business a)     JPHS website The next meeting is scheduled for 10:30 AM, Saturday, November 1, 2014, at the Weldon Public Library in Martin TN. 

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    Summer Meeting at Paducah

    The next meeting of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society is 10:30 AM, Saturday, July 19, 2014, in Paducah at Baptist Health Paducah, 2501 Kentucky Avenue. The meeting is in Conference Room A/B on the first floor of Doctor’s Building 2. Our speakers are Ed and Meagan Musselman who have purchased and are renovating the old Coca Cola plant in Paducah and turning the building into multi-purpose commercial space. The plant was built in 1939 and is an excellent example of Art Deco architecture. Since 2013, it has been listed on the National register. The Musselmans will give a brief tour afterwards.…