
Jackson Purchase Historical Society welcomes photographer and artist Robert Nunley Saturday, November 1, in Martin, Tennessee.

Robert Nunley

Artist, world traveler, and documentarian of local history Robert Nunley will show his photographs and talk about his travels and experiences at the quarterly meeting of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society, Saturday, November 1, in Martin, Tennessee. The meeting begins at 10:30 AM in the meeting room at the Weldon Public Library, 100 Main Street. Nunley’s presentation begins at approximately 11 AM. Jackson Purchase Historical Society meetings are open to the public, and there is no admission charge.

Robert Nunley is the Student Center Program Coordinator at the Martin Housing Authority and a lifelong resident of Weakley County, Tennessee. He is a graduate of the Ball State University School of Fine Arts and has displayed his paintings, drawings, prints and other works at festivals and invited gallery shows around the nation in a career that spans more than four decades. He uses photography to document his travels and life at home in Martin, Tennessee. He has restored many historic photographs of his family and the African American community in Weakley County. He has also spent more than 30 years as a youth development specialist.

The Jackson Purchase Historical Society was founded in 1958 to promote interest, study, and preservation of the regional history of the territory encompassed in the Chickasaw Purchase of 1818. It publishes the award-winning Jackson Purchase Historical Society Journal annually. The Society is especially interested in the history of all Kentucky counties west of the Tennessee River as well as Lake, Obion, Weakley, and Henry counties in Tennessee. Meetings are held four times per year at locations throughout the region. Membership is open to the public. Information about the Society, future events, and membership is available at the meetings or at http://jacksonpurchasehistoricalsociety.org/.