An Evening Upstairs at the McCracken County Library will present Reverend Newton Bush: Freedom at a Terrible Price at 7:00 p.m. on February 28th in the Second Floor Meeting Room. January 1, 1863 was an historic day in United States history. President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation took effect, freeing most slaves in the United States. But for enslaved men living in Kentucky and other border states, it was a bittersweet occasion. Lincoln desperately wanted to keep Kentucky loyal to the Union. It was not until 1864, when Kentucky became the last state allowing their enlistment that slaves could join the Union…
Jackson Purchase Historical Society Minutes, January 26 2013, at Wrather West Kentucky Musueum President Dr. Bob Lochte called the meeting to order. The minutes were presented and Charles Bobbit moved we accept the minutes and it was seconded and approved. Marvin Dowling presented the financial report. It was moved that we accept the report by Charles Bobbit and it was seconded and approved. Membership costs were discussed: $15 for individual membership and $20 for a family membership to the Jackson Purchase Historical Society. The spring meeting will be held at Wickliffe on Saturday, April 27 in the meeting room of…