
Minutes to the Winter Meeting

Jackson Purchase Historical Society Minutes, January 26 2013, at Wrather West Kentucky Musueum

President Dr. Bob Lochte called the meeting to order. The minutes were presented and Charles Bobbit moved we accept the minutes and it was seconded and approved.

Marvin Dowling presented the financial report. It was moved that we accept the report by Charles Bobbit and it was seconded and approved. Membership costs were discussed: $15 for individual membership and $20 for a family membership to the Jackson Purchase Historical Society.

The spring meeting will be held at Wickliffe on Saturday, April 27 in the meeting room of the Wickliffe City Hall. Dr. Kit Wesler will present the program.

Wickliffe Mounds is now part of the State Park System and Carla Hildebrand will conduct a tour for anyone and it will be at a discounted rate of $3.00 instead of $5.00.

Currently the summer meeting plans are in the process of being organized. Many have expressed an interest in a tour of an historic church.

The meeting portion was adjourned and the group welcomed the speaker, Dwain McIntosh. He was later offered a complimentary annual membership to the Jackson Purchase Historical Society. The program was titled “High School Basketball in the early 1950’s.” Basketball was “King” in the Jackson Purchase at that time for many area basketball teams, such as Cuba, Brewers, North Marshall and Augusta Tilghman High School. The program was very informative and well received by the audience.