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    Jackson Purchase Historical Society welcomes photographer and artist Robert Nunley Saturday, November 1, in Martin, Tennessee.

    Artist, world traveler, and documentarian of local history Robert Nunley will show his photographs and talk about his travels and experiences at the quarterly meeting of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society, Saturday, November 1, in Martin, Tennessee. The meeting begins at 10:30 AM in the meeting room at the Weldon Public Library, 100 Main Street. Nunley’s presentation begins at approximately 11 AM. Jackson Purchase Historical Society meetings are open to the public, and there is no admission charge. Robert Nunley is the Student Center Program Coordinator at the Martin Housing Authority and a lifelong resident of Weakley County, Tennessee. He…

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    Minutes from July Meeting

    Quarterly Meeting of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society Saturday, July 19, 2014, 10:30 AM Conference Room A, Doctor’s Building 2, Baptist Health, Paducah KY Minutes 1)      Approval of the minutes of the April 26, 2014 meeting.  President Bob Lochte called the meeting together at 10:30 a.m. 2)      Secretary’s Report – Marvin Downing.  Downing distributed the minutes which were approved as typed. 3)      Treasurer’s Report – Marvin Downing.  Downing distributed the minutes which were approved as typed after Dr. Mulligan noticed the Balance: 3-31-2014,   42,441.99; should have been $2,441.99. 4)      Journal Editor’s Report.  Editor Sarah Strange requested articles for 2014-2015 as she has none presently. 5)      Elections –…