JPHS Meetings

Postponement of July Meeting

In light of the recent increase of COVID-19 infections statewide, and in our area, the Jackson Purchase Historical Society has decided to postpone its scheduled July 18 meeting in Mayfield. The Society thanks our planned speaker, Bobbie Smith Bryant, for her understanding and cooperation in reaching this decision.

We hope to reschedule the meeting when the public health situation is more conducive to group gatherings but have no definite date. We trust our members and the public understand and greatly appreciate the input from those who responded to our email about their plans to attend. We will continue to monitor the public health situation regarding future meetings.

Our Journal should appear on time and will be mailed to members in July. Members will receive a mail ballot for officers for 2020-2021 within a few days since we are unable to meet to hold the election as we usually do.

Any questions or comments should be referred to Society President Bill Mulligan at