JPHS Meetings

Information for the July 18th Meeting!

In view of the current public health concerns and regulations the JPHS has made some changes in plans for our July 18 meeting. Currently, we are comfortable going ahead – with certain changes and requirements.

We will meet at Sullivan University (1102 Paris Rd, Mayfield, KY 42066) instead of the previously announced location at 10:30 am. There will be no group luncheon. The room at Sullivan is larger and will allow people to sit a reasonable distance apart (allowing exceptions for those in the same household).  Those attending will be required to wear masks and those speaking will be at least six feet from the first row, maybe a bit more if possible. The JPHS board continues to monitor and discuss the situation and we will make changes as appropriate.

Our speaker is Bobbie Smith Bryant who will speak on “Cooking the Kentucky Way.” A native of Calloway County, she is the author of several books – Forty Acres & A Red Belly Ford: The Smith Family of Calloway County (2011), Passions of the Black Patch: Cooking and Quilting in Western Kentucky (2012), Farming in the Black Patch (2015), and A Beautiful Star: The Life of Lois Etoile Brewer (2019).

Bill Mulligan

President, JPHS