
Minutes from Winter Meeting

Jackson Purchase Historical Society Minutes, January Meeting, 2012. Wrather West Kentucky Museum
President Mathis provided Coffee and Doughnuts before the meeting.
Call to Order: President Gil Mathis called the meeting to order at Wrather West Kentucky Museum
Marvin Downing gave the Treasurer’s Report and there was a $120 check deposited. The December 31 amount was $3396.00 and January is $3453.50.
New Business- Mr. Claybrook moved and Dr. Lochte seconded that the minutes be approved. President Mathis appointed Kate Reeves as the new secretary. It was voted and approved by the membership.
Dr. Bob Lochte talked about the upcoming programs. The April meeting in Paducah at WPSD TV Station will be presented by Chris Evans, Vice President of News for Paxton Communications. He is working on the history of WPSD Channel 6 and will give a program on that subject.
The summer meeting in July will be in Mayfield. Chris Wooldridge will give us a tour of the famous “Wooldridge Monuments.”
The fall meeting in November will be at Ft. Donelson. There will be a tour and program in the Stewart County meeting room. This will be the sesquicentennial for the Battle of Ft. Donelson.
The January meeting for 2013 will be again at Wrather West Kentucky Museum. Dwayne McIntosh will present a program on “Basketball in the Jackson Purchase,” during the 50’s when local teams gained notoriety.
Marvin Downing stressed that “we need to continue to have a meeting at Martin.” Marvin Downing will help get a program for Martin to host. The fall meeting will be a joint meeting.
Dr. Bob Lochte proposed we extend a complementary guest membership to our speakers. This will start today with Judy Shearer. This was moved and seconded and was passed. Nathan Lynn is new at the McCracken County Library and he was in attendance at the meeting.
Marvin reminded everyone about renewing their membership and receiving their journals. The meeting was adjourned.
Judy Yates Shearer was the featured speaker at the meeting. She discussed her book, “All Bones Be White.” It is the story of a slave name Cassie who is on trial for murder in 1833 in Hopkinsville.
The next meeting will be at WPSD TV in Paducah on Saturday, April. 28.