
Winter Meeting Announcement

When: Saturday, January 28, 2012 at 10:00 a.m.
Where: Wrather West Kentucky Museum, North 16th Street and University Drive, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky.
Presentation: Author Judy Shearer will be talking about her book All Bones Be White, a creative nonfiction narrative, a biography, of Cassy, a woman who was a slave in Kentucky and who was tried for murder in 1833.
Additional Attraction: Kate Reeves announces Wrather Museum has “Journey Stories,” a traveling Smithsonian exhibit sponsored by the Kentucky Humanities Council, January 28 through March 10.
Reminders: Dues for the 2011-2012 year can be paid at this meeting. The 2011 Jackson Purchase Historical Society Journal will also be available.
For more information: Contact Gil Mathis by email gil.mathis@murraystate.edu or mdowning27@charter.net.