Article Submissions

The editor and the editorial board of the Journal of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society welcomes submissions of manuscripts related to the history of the Jackson Purchase region for possible publication in the Journal. The Jackson Purchase, which encompasses most of west Tennessee and southwest Kentucky, was added to the United States in 1818 through a treaty with the Chickasaw Indians. Manuscripts of articles, annotated documents, and interviews related to the Jackson Purchase will be considered for publication in the Journal. The editor welcomes manuscripts addressing such traditional topics as war, politics, and society as well as manuscripts focusing on less examined subjects, such as race, gender, and the environment.

The editor encourages submissions from both scholars and non-academics. When submitting their manuscripts, writers must inform the editor whether they want their manuscripts to go through a peer review process. Peer reviewers are members of the board and other individuals qualified to assess manuscripts. If writers choose to forgo the peer review process, their manuscripts will still be considered for publication. Both peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed manuscripts should by well written and thoroughly documented and should follow the guidelines below.

  • Preferred manuscript length is 4,000 to 8,000 words, not counting endnotes
  • Use 12-point type for both text and footnotes.
  • Double-space text and single space footnotes. Do not use endnotes.
  • Write author’s name and institutional affiliation on the title page.
  • Consult 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style for all questions relating to text and footnotes.
  • Submit manuscript on an 8 ½ by 11 word document.

Manuscripts may be sent electronically to the Editor, William H. Mulligan, Jr. at or by postal mail to:

William H. Mulligan, Jr.
Interim Editor
Journal of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society
PO Box 531
Murray KY 42071-0009

Lonnie Maness Best Article Prize

For 37 years, University of Tennessee-Martin History Professor Dr. Lonnie E. Maness (1929-2019) relished his dream job in Martin. He loved military history, especially the U.S. Civil War and he more particularly researched C.S.A. General Nathan Bedford Forrest.

As a longtime Jackson Purchase Historical Society (JPHS) member and officer, including the position of President, he wrote perhaps more articles and book reviews, and did more program presentations than any other members of the Society.

ting upon the suggestion of JPHS President Dr. William Mulligan, the JPHS officers created the Lonnie E. Maness Award for outstanding article in his memory. This annual Award goes to the author of the best Journal article published in the current issue of the Journal. The winner is selected by a vote of the Society’s Officers and Editorial Board. The Award carries a monetary amount of $100.00.