Please note at this time the JPHS Essay Contest will not be held.
Jackson Purchase Historical Society
Essay Contest Rules and Guidelines
The Jackson Purchase Historical Society (JPHS) is excited to announce an essay contest for high school students in the Jackson Purchase region of Kentucky and Tennessee who are enrolled in history courses in the JPHS service region. The contest is sponsored by the JPHS, the Office of University Advancement and the Department of History at Murray State University.
Three categories have been designated for the contest: United States History, History of the Jackson Purchase Region (including Kentucky and Tennessee), and Family History. Students may submit an essay in any, or all, of the categories, but no more than one essay in each category.
Judges will select winners in all three categories at each grade level. All winners will receive certificates and commemorative medallions. In addition, the judges will also select the best essay in each category for the Grand Prize. Winners of the Grand Prize for each category will receive $100 cash awards, the opportunity to make a presentation based on the subject of their essays to members and guests at a JPHS meeting, and publication in the award-winning Journal of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society. Judges will be historians familiar with the subject matter and may include current or retired faculty from Murray State University, University of Tennessee – Martin, West Kentucky Technical and Community College, and other colleges and universities.
All high school students in Ballard, Calloway, Carlisle, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Marshall, and McCracken Counties in Kentucky and Henry, Lake, Obion, and Weakley Counties in Tennessee are eligible. Public school, private school, and homeschool students are all eligible to enter the contest.
The essay should be 1,000 – 2,500 words. Use numbered endnotes for in-text citations. You must include a bibliography page. Essays should be completed on a word processing program, i.e. Microsoft Word®. No handwritten entries will be accepted. Each entry must be accompanied by an entry form, completed with the information requested.
All entries must be submitted by email as attached documents (.doc, .docx, or .pdf) to All entries must arrive by the designated deadline. If there are questions, please address them to the JPHS at the above email address.
General Guidelines for the Essays
- Your essay must be original, based on your research and understanding of your subject. We want to know what you learned.
- It helps to write as if you’re telling a story. You want to catch the reader’s attention.
- When you use direct quotations, or paraphrase something someone else said or wrote, or restate ideas and conclusions that are not your own, you must cite the sources (books, websites, conversations, letters, TV programs, etc.). Number each source in the text and add it to the numbered list of notes at the end of the essay.
- All essays must be written clearly. You must use correct grammar, syntax, and spelling. While we expect you to write your own essay, we encourage use to get other people to read it and help you edit the content to present the best possible final draft. Your parents, teachers, and friends who are good writers are good choices for this task.
- Put the title of the essay at the top of the first page followed by your name on the next line. Number the pages in the upper right corner.
- You may use any legible font, but it must be at least 12 points in size. Use 1-inch margins on the top, bottom, and sides of the page, and 1½ spaces between lines.
- We encourage you to include photographs, illustrations, copies of document pages, charts, or any graphic material that provides evidence and makes your essay more interesting. Make sure you write captions and provide sources for each one.
- Your teacher is your best resource for this project. You may also contact us at JPHS by email any time. If you don’t understand something, or need more information, or just want to explore ideas for your subject, please ask.