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    John Harrod: Kentucky’s Diverse Fiddling Traditions

    McCracken County Public Library’s next Evenings Upstairs program is on March 21st at 7 p.m. The program is titled “Explore Kentucky’s Diverse Fiddling Traditions.” John Harrod has been performing over forty years as he brings old music to new generations. Because of its location between major routes of western migration, Western Kentucky became a melting pot of culture in the 18th and 19th centuries. Harrod explores the region’s musical roots and gives a preview on this weeks WKMS Sounds Good radio program. All shows are open to the public. For more information contact Bobbie Wrinkle at bwrinkle@mclib.net.

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    Reverend Newton Bush: Freedom at a Terrible Price

    An Evening Upstairs at the McCracken County Library will present Reverend Newton Bush: Freedom at a Terrible Price at 7:00 p.m. on February 28th in the Second Floor Meeting Room. January 1, 1863 was an historic day in United States history. President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation took effect, freeing most slaves in the United States. But for enslaved men living in Kentucky and other border states, it was a bittersweet occasion. Lincoln desperately wanted to keep Kentucky loyal to the Union. It was not until 1864, when Kentucky became the last state allowing their enlistment that slaves could join the Union…