The 2013 Journal of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society is now available for purchase. This annual journal includes the following articles and book reviews: The Civil War Letters of Andrew Lucas Hunt, Part I: Columbus, Kentucky (June 6 – July 30, 1864) by Dieter C. Ullrich Kentuckians Expelled by Federal Government by John Robertson Book Review:The Homeplace by Sarah Brady Strange The First Baptist Church of Martin, Tennessee since 1966 by Marvin Downing Book Review: First Baptist Church in Transition: Featuring the Photography of Tom Frey by Larry and Rebecca Holder To purchase your issue of the Jackson Purchase Historical…
Quarterly Meeting of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society Saturday, July 27, 2013, 10:30 A.M. McCracken County Public Library, Paducah Kentucky President Bob Lochte called the meeting together at 10:30. 1) Approval of the minutes of the April 27, 2013 meeting. Typed copies of the minutes were distributed among members. 2) Secretary’s Report – Marvin Downing. After allowing time for members to look over the minutes, Lochte called for approval. Motion was made and seconded and members approved. 3) Treasurer’s Report – Marvin Downing. In addition to shared information on the distributed copies, Downing indicated 90 Journal copies each year might…