The Jackson Purchase Historical Society (JPHS) will meet at the Calloway County Public Library, 710 Main Street in Murray, KY at 10:30 am on Saturday, September 28. The program will focus on a forthcoming book documenting churches – buildings and congregations — that have passed from the scene in Callaway County. They remain, however, important parts of the history of the county and the communities they served. Forms will be available to order the forthcoming book, which is sponsored by the Calloway County Genealogical and Historical Society. The book reports on the research involved as well as the history of…
The Jackson Purchase Historical Society (JPHS) and the Paducah Historic Preservation Group are partnering to offer a special tour of the Paducah Historic Preservation Group’s (PHPG) Helen LaFrance Collection. The PHPG recently acquired a significant number of LaFrance’s paintings as part of its effort to preserve African American history and culture in the Jackson Purchase. JPHS wants its members and others who support its mission, as well as the many historical organizations in western Kentucky, to have an opportunity to view this impressive collection. PHPG wants to share this treasure with the region. The collection is currently housed at the…