Revised July 15, 2023
Article I – Name
This organization shall be called the Jackson Purchase Historical Society.
Article II – Purpose
Section 1.
The Society shall have as its purpose, within the region encompassing all the territory in the Chickasaw Purchase of 1818: (a) to promote interest and study in regional history; (b) to help preserve historical facts, memorabilia, and general heritage of this region; (c) to improve public understanding and appreciation for this area by participation in observances and dedications of local historical significance; and (d) to act as a resource for educational institutions. The Society will focus on the eight westernmost counties of Kentucky and Henry, Weakley, Obion, and Lake counties in Tennessee.
Section 2.
No officer, committee or appointed member, or others of the general membership shall receive compensation or otherwise profit personally from service to the Society or its related activities, which shall be confined to those described in Article II Section 1. These activities are to be consistent with and limited to those intended for an educational and literary organization within the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.
Article III – Membership
Membership in the Jackson Purchase Historical Society shall be open to all who are interested in the history of this section of the country, in the preservation of its heritage, and in fellowship with those of kindred interest.
Membership shall be classified as full-dues-paying members and life members.
Article IV – Officers
The elected officers of this organization shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and at least one, but not more than five, Members-At-Large.
The president will appoint an editor for the Society’s Journal and an administrator for the Society’s website and any other social media it develops, subject to approval by a majority of the officers. They will be eligible to participate in officers’ meetings.
Article V – Duties of Officers
Section 1.
The President shall (a) preside at all meetings of the Society; (b) be ex-officio member of all committees; (c) vote only in the case of a tie in any Society or committee action; (d) appoint standing and ad hoc committees subject to the Society Bylaws; and (e) serve as the executive officer of the Society. The President shall act as Society Archivist who shall have the responsibility to collect, preserve, and safeguard the Society’s records and materials. At the president’s discretion, responsibilities of the Society Archivist may be delegated to another.
Section 2.
The Vice President shall (a) perform the duties of the President in his/her absence; (b) render advice and assistance to the President when called upon. In the absence of a Vice President, the Society President shall fill this position by appointment.
Section 3.
The Secretary shall (a) conduct the official correspondence of the Society and related duties as directed by the President, and (b) make records of all Society meetings. In the absence of a Secretary, the Society President shall fill this position by appointment.
Section 4.
The Treasurer will (a) issue calls and notices of meetings; (c) maintain records of membership rolls; and (d) receive and disburse the funds of the Society. In the absence of a Treasurer, the Society President shall fill this position by appointment.
Section 5.
The Members-at-Large shall be ombudsmen for the members of the Society and will serve as sources of general advice and counsel from the membership’s point of view.
Section 6.
The editor will be responsible for publishing the society’s annual Journal. He/she will be assisted by an Editorial Board appointed by the president on the editor’s recommendation. Editorial board members may hold another office in the Society. They will review submissions, assist in identifying and encouraging submission of potential articles, and submit articles of their own. The number of members may vary but should never exceed twelve. The president and editor will serve on the editorial board ex officio and not be included in the limit of twelve.
Section 7.
The administrator of the website will be responsible for maintaining the society’s website and other social media that are developed.
Article VI – Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of all the elected and appointed officers of the Society, not including editorial board members, and the Immediate Past President. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to (a) serve as a source of general advice and counsel to the President; (b) approve the financial expenditures of the Society; (c) authorize any publications of the Society and approve any necessary editor(s) and/or editorial board(s) as nominated by the President; and (d) supervise the distribution of all Society publications. Any vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be filled by Presidential appointment.
Article VII – Amendments
Section 1.
Proposed amendments to the Constitution must (a) be presented to the President and/or the Executive Committee at least thirty days prior to the date on which it is to be voted; and (b) be presented to the Society prior to the next two regular meetings following either approval by the Executive Committee or its presentation to the President and/or the Executive Committee over the endorsement of ten percent of the full dues paying members of the Society.
Section 2.
Any proposed amendment of this Constitution (a) must be included in the membership notice of the regular meeting in which it is to be considered, and (b) may be adopted by a majority vote of the full-dues-paying members present.
Article VIII – Dissolution
In the event of a possible dissolution of the Society, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code or shall be distributed to a state or local government for a public purpose. The Executive Committee shall make the final determination of this distribution, consistent with the requirements of the preceding sentence.