Quarterly Meeting of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society
Saturday, January 25, 2014, 10:30 AM
Wilson Hall, Murray State University
President Dr. Bob Lochte called the meeting together at 10:30 a.m.
1. Approval of the minutes of the November 2, 2013 meeting. Before the meeting began Secretary-Treasurer Marvin Downing distributed typed copies of the minutes. Jim Gantt pointed out a typo in the Treasury portion of 42,867.95. It was corrected to $2,867.95. The minutes were approved.
2. Secretary’s Report. On behalf of,Journal Editor Sarah Strange, Downing shared she already has articles from Dieter Ullrich, Dr. Mulligan, and Dr. Bob Cowser of Martin. She has prospects of articles from John Robertson on railroading, Jeannette Dean on Warren Thomas, and Marvin Downing on Colonel Bob Smith of Martin. She has urged speaker Dr. Duane Bolin to submit a summary of his presentation. Nevertheless, she welcomes all articles by the May 1, 2014 deadline. Naturally individuals could be working on material for the 2015 Journal.
3. Treasurer’s Report. Income and expenses for the November-late January period were about the same. Downing noted he had brought 45 copies of the 2013 Journal of the 90 printed items. He wondered if the recently set target number of 75 copies for the 2014 issue might be too high based on that target number. Marion Claybrook moved targeting 60 volumes, Downing moved, Maness seconded, and the group approved. [The reduced number could save JPHS $200-$300 yearly.]
4. Vice President’s Report—Charles Bobbitt, Spring and Summer meeting plans. No one had any word from Bobbitt, so the society moved ahead anyway. Lochte recalled Nathan Lynn of Paducah has agreed to do a presentation about old time music in Kentucky. He might do so at the April meeting.
Dr. Bolin announced a man in attendance has a newly released book. Sid Easley gave the book’s gist about a Graves County deputy sheriff who fatally shot that County’s sheriff in a personal/political argument. Interestingly that murder opened the way for the election of Kentucky’s first female sheriff. If Easley is not away in July visiting grandchildren, Lochte thought it appropriate to hold the summer session in Mayfield’s City Hall. Easley thought the Court House even more appropriate.
Lochte will work out details concerning the spring and summer.
5. Old Business.
a. Website update. Lochte explained some of the problems which Dieter said he himself had unwittingly caused. Lochte says he can get his professional acquaintance Dan Dickerson to make necessary changes at a new location for perhaps $200-$300 and $105 a year. The appropriate motions passed with Blair, Gantt, and Ullrich involved.
b. Membership recruitment. Lochte wondered if moving the winter meeting to the end of February might result in better weather and attendance; we can experiment. Perhaps it would help to separate the positions of Secretary and Treasurer in order to generate publicity via at least press releases. Naturally we can all bring a guest.
6. New Business.
a. Nominating Committee. Lochte declared it time to create a nominating committee for electing officers at the late July meeting. They officially move into their positions August 1st. After careful consideration, Lochte appointed the 4 former JPHS Presidents present, Charles Blair, Marion Claybrook, Lonnie Maness, and Gil Mathis, with Mathis chairing the group.
b. Board of Directors. Downing reported Directors Blair, Downing, and Maness reviewed the status of JPHS prior to La Cabana lunches. Upon evaluating information furnished by Downing, the Directors found JPHS proceeding smoothly.
7. Adjournment. All business concluded, Lochte adjourned the meeting at 11:02 a.m.
Program. Lochte then detailed Dr. Bolin’s impressive credentials. Bolin called his talk “Kentucky: Land of Contrasts,” a title he borrowed from his nationally distinguished professor the late Dr. Thomas D. Clark. Bolin combined his comments with power point features and music by Kentucky vocalists.