Stories of Interest from the Hickman Courier from September 11, 1874 The coming trade year was predicted to be “necessarily hard on businessmen of small capital” since many farmers would be forced to carry over their debts into the next year due to the serious drought. The Hickman Young Men’s Christian Association met on September 10th and elected Reverend J. D. Bush as President and James Wearn as Secretary. The Association was to meet again on September 11th. The Hickman Circuit Court met on September 7th where the newly elected Judge W. W. Robertson and Commonwealth Attorney Bernard Neale assumed…
The Jackson Purchase Historical Society (JPHS) and the Paducah Historic Preservation Group are partnering to offer a special tour of the Paducah Historic Preservation Group’s (PHPG) Helen LaFrance Collection. The PHPG recently acquired a significant number of LaFrance’s paintings as part of its effort to preserve African American history and culture in the Jackson Purchase. JPHS wants its members and others who support its mission, as well as the many historical organizations in western Kentucky, to have an opportunity to view this impressive collection. PHPG wants to share this treasure with the region. The collection is currently housed at the…