Stories of Interest from the Hickman Courier from November 9, 1872
- The election was reported as remarkably quiet and unexciting in Hickman. The Hickman Courier noted “very little drinking” and no fights or disturbances in the city.
- Official results of the Presidential election in Fulton County were Greeley and Brown – 624 votes, Grant and Wilson – 87, and O’Conor and Adams – 15. The results for Congress were Edward Crossland – 605, Henry H. Houston – 79, John Martin Sr. – 24, Isaac Trabue – 3, and C. L. Randle – 4.
- The counties of Hickman, Ballard, and Graves overwhelmingly voted for Ed Crossland in the Congressional race. It was estimated that each of those counties delivered over a thousand more votes for Crossland than the Republican candidate Henry Houston.
- Editor of the Hickman Courier wrote that many German voters in Hickman supported Greeley and only a few voted for Grant. However, a “good percent” did not vote at all.
- Fritz Hellner, an engineer, began construction on a new wharf in Hickman. When completed, he projected, it would “equal any wharf on the Mississippi River.”
- A gentleman representing a New York firm visited Hickman with the intention of bidding to build the proposed Mississippi River levee from Hickman to Tiptonville. After a meeting with the local stakeholders of the levee company, it was decided not to entertain the firm’s offer until they received other bids.
- William Frenz obtained enough memberships to establish a community library in Hickman. The library and reading room will be opened to members on January 1, 1873.
- The members of the Teutonia Singing Society of Hickman gave a “grand ball” at the Hickman City Hall on the evening of November 4th. Those that attended declared it was a “pleasant and highly enjoyable affair.”
- The Great Paris Pavilion Circus, with “over fifty first class male and female artists” and a “troupe of animals,” was scheduled to arrive in Hickman on November 13th. The circus included a group of “Comanche Indians” and a “live buffalo hunt.”
- A number of sportsmen from Hickman were reported encamped at Reelfoot Lake to hunt and fish.
- S. Arnold, State Legislator from Hickman County, received a contract to grade several miles track for the Mississippi Central Railroad near Clinton.
- The Eighth Congressional District of Tennessee elected David Alexander Nunn, a radical Republican, for Congress. The press blamed “woeful mismanagement” of the Tennessee Democratic Party.
- The Baptists of West Tennessee met at Union City for a conference on November 8th.
- Daniel G. Baird killed Ab Evans in Gibson County, Tennessee the week of November 2nd. The death appeared to stem from an old feud between the two men.