This Week 150 Years Ago

This Week 150 Years Ago in Hickman – October 5, 1872

Stories of Interest from the Hickman Courier from October 5, 1872

  • The Hickman Courier reported on the final two days of the Fulton County Fair held on September 27th and 28th. Friday’s audience was the largest of the Fair, but the next day heavy rains prevented many from attending. The total receipts from the fair were a “little less than previous years.”
  • A five-year-old mule owned by Barney F. Lane of Moscow was possibly stolen at Fulton County Fairgrounds on September 28th. Lane was offering a liberal reward for its return.
  • The City Council met on October 2nd to pay street workers, verify delinquent tax lists, and address assessment errors. The City Tax Collector reported the collection of $7,011.36 for the current year. Coffee house licenses were granted to H. F. Cheatham and John C. Heinz for six months. Market ordinances were suspended indefinitely.
  • Henry Houston, Republican candidate for Congress, addressed the citizens of Fulton County at the Hickman City Hall on October 5th.
  • The Fulton County Court was to hold a session on October 8th.
  • Some residents of Hickman demanded that City and County authorities provide a poor house, hospital, and other provisions for the care of “unfortunates” in the community. And that steamboat and railroad companies depositing the poor in Hickman should take some financial responsibility for the growing problem.
  • Representatives of the Hickman & Madrid Bend Levee and Railroad Company held a meeting at Campbell’s Schoolhouse at Sassafras Ridge on October 3rd to further promote the project. The company’s charter was read and explained, and an election of officers by stockholders was to be conducted on October 19th.
  • The Mayfield Democrat reported that the cotton crop in the Jackson Purchase would be half of what was expected due to the serious drought.
  • Paducah will publish a city directory in 1873.
  • B. Husbands published a history of Paducah.
  • Congressional candidates Ed Crossland and John Martin spoke at Cadiz on October 5th and are scheduled to visit the counties of Caldwell and Livingston in the upcoming week. Martin repeatedly made “foul charges” against George Warren, editor of the Hickman Courier, that he was “bought” by Crossland. The Republican candidate Isaac Trabue was canvassing alone across the district.
  • Willis B. Manchen, a former State Legislator and Senator, and member of the Confederate Congress from Lyon County, was appointed by Governor Preston Leslie to fill the vacancy caused by the death of U.S. Senator Garrett Davis.
  • The Union City, Tennessee fair was held during the week of September 30th.
  • Most of the tobacco crop in Obion County, Tennessee has been cut and stored. The quality of the tobacco was reported as being “good.” The corn crop in the county was described as excellent.
  • The Tennessee Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church was set for October 9th in Huntingdon.
  • Nightly speeches and bonfires to support Greeley and Brown were being held in Cairo, Illinois.
  • Thomas C. Dozier married Jennie A. Cobb on October 2nd and Stephen W. Lauderdale and Maggie Dillion married on October 3rd, both couples were married in Hickman.