Stories of Interest from the Hickman Courier from January 14, 1871
• Samuel Landrum was elected Mayor of Hickman. W. L. McCutchen, E. Case, N. P. Harness, Charles Baltzer, B. C. Ramage and W. R. Walker were elected Councilmen.
• The City Tax Collector reported that he collected $7,435.76 for the year 1870.
• The City Treasurer reported that he received $5,437.46 and spent $5,056.65 for the year 1870.
• The City Judge reported the amount of fines assessed by the court for the year 1870 was $884.05.
• James Hickman, the Grand Worthy Chief Templar of Kentucky, visited Hickman and delivered two lectures on the subject of Temperance.
• Louis Winderholder, a farmer that resided three miles north of Hickman, was accidentally killed when he was rushed upon by hog he intended to slaughter. Winderholder had a pistol in hand to shoot the animal when it charged and knocked him backwards over a log and the gun discharged passing through his neck and killing him instantly.
• A young man by the name of Bywater was arrested for auctioneering books on the streets of Hickman. He was fined $100 which he did not possess and thus was sentenced to jail for fifty days.
• The City Marshal arrested a man named Gonzales for horse stealing. He was found to be wanted by officers from Hopkinsville.
• A suspension bridge is to be constructed spanning the valley between Court House hill and the hill nearby that will to lead to the Marr and Gourley additions.
• Two young boys, Albert Roper and Robert Nelson, returning from school became engaged in a bitter fight. Roper viciously struck Nelson several times over the head with a baseball bat and his injuries are believed to be fatal.
• Hickman City Council plans to obtain a loan from the State of Kentucky for the purpose of building a wharf and protecting the river front. They also discussed constructing a market house in the city.
• Tavern rates were established by the Fulton County Court for 1871:
- Claret and Rhenish wines per bottle – $2.00
- Champaign wine per bottle – $5.00
- Liquors by the drink – 10 cents
- Diet, per meal – 50 cents
- Lodging per night – 25 cents
- Horse single feed – 40 cents
- Pasturage per week – $1.00
• Judge A. R. Boone of Graves County, a candidate for Circuit Judgeship, addressed a group of people at Hickman.
• The City of Hickman issued a law suit against the Nashville & Northwestern Railroad to prevent the turnover and suspension rail of service to Hickman.