
Civil War Days at Columbus-Belomont State Park

Civil War Days at Columbus-Belomont State Park will occur from October 12th to October 14th. The weekend will include battle reenactments, living history and encampments. Friday will be “education day”. Schools, scouts, youth groups and clubs are encouraged to schedule field trips. Battles will be held Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 p.m. There will be a Ghost Walk on Friday evening and a Civil War Ball on Saturday night. Morning religious services and a memorial ceremony at Columbus Cemetery will occur on Sunday. Sutlers and food vendors will be on site to serve the needs of the reenactors and visiting guests. Entertainment featuring Rick Revel and The 52nd Regimental String Band will perform both Saturday and Sunday.

For more information and pre-registration contact the Columbus-Belomont State Park Park Office at 270-677-2327 or by email at cindy.lynch@ky.gov

The event is sponsored by Columbus-Belmont State Park, Hickman County Judge Executive/Fiscal Court and the Civil War Days Committee.