
Minutes to the Summer Meeting

Jackson Purchase Historical Society Minutes, July 28, 2012. Mayfield, Kentucky.

President Gilbert Mathis called the meeting to order. The minutes were presented and Bob Lochte moved we accept the minutes.

A report from The Trustees was given.

A $75 donation was earmarked for a Marshall County Roadside Marker.

The Feliciana 94 Marker is missing and William Wells will look into this.

An election of Officers for the coming year was held and Board approved:
President – Bob Lochte
Vice-President – Charles Bobbitt
Secretary – Kate Reeves
Treasurer – Marvin Dowling
Journal Editor – Sarah Strange
Member- at- large – Marion Claybrook, member- at- large.

Melissa Earnest moved we accept the slate of officers and it was “a done deal.”
The meeting was adjourned.

A program was given by Chris Wooldridge, on the Wooldridge Monuments in Mayfield. The group then went out to tour the Wooldridge Monuments.

Chris Wooldridge was also given a complimentary membership to the Society.

The November meeting will be held on the first Saturday in that month and will be at the Weldon Public Library, 100 Main Street, Martin, Tennessee. The program will be titled, “Demographics and the Census in that part of West Tennessee.”