
Oral History “Journey” with Constance Alexander

Constance Alexander (at left)

Constance Alexander was the speaker at our Spring Meeting, April 17th, in the auditorium of the Wrather Museum on the campus of Murray State University.

She began by encouraging the audience to explore the possibilities of conducting oral histories of their family members stressing that a rigid method or a list of questions were not needed.    She also made practical suggestions for equipment that could be used for the oral histories and showed some samples.   At the end of her presentation, she provided a handout full of websites containing specific information about conducting oral history interviews.

Constance also read excerpts from her book, Kilroy Was Here, which was developed from letters of family-member soldiers to their families “back home”,  by conducting oral histories of other WWII families, and by researching aspects of popular culture of the time. A lively question and answer period followed her presentation.

You can hear more about Constance, her activities, and her “upbringing” by listening to the podcast elsewhere on this website.

Constance has been on the Board of the Kentucky Oral History Commission for three terms.  In addition, she is an award-winning columnist, author, poet, playwright, and public radio commentator.

Ms. Alexander lives in Murray, KY and currently serves as Faculty Scholar/Arts & Humanities at Murray State University’s Teacher Quality Institute and as columnist for the Murray Ledger Times.