Jackson Purchase Historical Society Minutes for November 3, 2012, at Martin, Tennnessee.
President Dr. Bob Lochte called the meeting to order. The minutes were presented and approved.
This was a joint meeting with the West Tennessee Historical Society was held at The Weldon Public Library in Martin, Tennessee.
Dr. Bob noted he will talk to Chris Wooldridge about submitting a short article on his presentation which he did July 28 in Mayfield.
It was also suggested we need to get our e-mail list updated.
Marvin noted that the treasury fund is always lower at this time when we pay for the journal printing. The Journals are for sale for $6.36. Talk to Marvin if you wish to purchase a journal.
Balance as of August 1, 2012 is $2755.51. Cost of printing the journal $709.90. It does not include the dues paid after July 28th meeting or the sales of several back issues of the Journal. The updated balance as of October 31, 2012 was $3125.51. It was moved by Dieter Ulrich and seconded by Kate Reeves that we accept the Treasurer’s Report.
Linda Higgins and Ed Frank were guests from the West Tennessee Historical Society
Old Business- Dwain McIntosh will present the program January 26 at Wrather West Kentucky Museum, Murray, Kentucky on High School Basketball in the Jackson Purchase during the early 1950’s. Basketball was “King” in the Jackson Purchase at that time for many local communities.
There are no firm plans for spring, but the floor was opened for suggestions. A visit to the Archeological Site at Wickliffe Mounds for March of next year was discussed. It was noted there is no large meeting space at Wickliffe Mounds and that we would need to meet at a public facility nearby. Other sites of interest were suggested: Fulton Railroad Museum, Milan Agricultural Museum, Delta Heritage Center, Tina Turner’s first school and the museum at Palmersville.
The goal for 2013 is to increase membership and the meeting was adjourned.
The program was “Demographics and the Census in West Tennessee” by Richard Saunders.