The Cane Creek Cemetery in Ballard County will have an “Open Cemetery” event on Sunday, October 28 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tours will begin at 2:15.
The cemetery is located on Slater Road (Hwy 1290) behind Cane Creek Church north of Wickliffe. The event will inform visitors on what can be done to care for neglected and forgotten cemeteries. Presentations will be made by Circuit Judge Timothy A. Langford and Judge Executive Vickie Viniard starting at 3:45.
George Bell, of John W. Bell Monument Works in Cairo, Illinois, will display tools that he uses to hand carve monuments. He will also recite the history of the Kurzcorder Company of Cairo which carved many of the historic monuments in the region during 1800’s.
On display will be photos of the cemetery’s cleanup efforts and demonstrations on how to safely clean old tombstones. Rubbing do’s and don’ts will be shared along with informative brochures from the Kentucky Historical Society on historic cemeteries in the Commonwealth.
Please check the Ballard County Cemetery Board Facebook page for updated information regarding the event. Remember to wear comfortable shoes and bring a lawn chair if you difficulty standing for long periods of time.