Dr. Bill Mulligan, Professor of History, Murray State University
Rescheduling the Winter Meeting because of bad weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of the JPHS. Approximately 30 members and guests attended the meeting Saturday, February 26, 2011 to hear Dr. Bill Mulligan on the topic of the Civil War in West Kentucky and West Tennessee from 1860 to 1863. At the beginning, Dr. Mulligan stated that he had modified his topic somewhat because his research has carried him beyond the 1863 point. Dr. Mulligan believes that the Civil War was won along the rivers of western Kentucky and Tennessee and was decided in the Jackson Purchase. One salient point, forgotten by most people, is that one big difference between West Kentucky and West Tennessee was that Kentucky remained in the union and therefore its citizens were still U.S. citizens whereas Tennessee had seceded and its citizens were declared in rebellion. After the his presentation, Dr. Mulligan answered questions from the audience and signed copies of his recent book, Badger Boy in Blue: The Civil War Letters of Chauncey H. Cooke which were available for sale.
Normal business was also conducted as both the Secretary’s minutes and the Treasurer’s report were submitted to the membership. Announcement was made that the Spring Meeting would be held in Paducah, April 30, 2011, at the Railroad Museum. The guest speaker will be Bob Johnston, President of the Paducah Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society. His topic will be “Railroading in paducah: Then & Now”. A tour of the museum will be offered afterward. The meeting was adjourned.
The JPHS holds quarterly meetings only; won’t you make your plans now to attend our Spring Meeting, April 30th?